In our daily life, we often use talismans for good luck. Many celebrities believe in them, keep to yourself and believe that thanks to them they managed to succeed in a career. We offer several ways to make a good luck charm with his hands.
If you make a talisman for good luck with his own hands, he will helpEven if you consider yourself a successful person, a bit of luck will not hurt. For this you will need to make a good luck charm. Luck is an important element of any successful business and undertakings, and therefore with this magic item on your luck, your life will certainly improve. You can get your personal talisman in three possible ways:
- to find by chance;
- to do with their hands;
- to buy in the store.
Matter which option you choose, depends, how powerful will be its action.
A great talisman for good luck can be found on the sea coast the shells or fancy stones. Clover with four petals is another option of a good luck charm, known for its strength since ancient times. If near your house there is this plant, you may be tasked with search of a flower with four petals. Dry the plant and carry it always with you safe and sound. You can make a necklace on the neck, using a transparent cabochon.
There is a widespread belief that all accidents are not accidental, and then suddenly found things perhaps was intended for you. Your sixth sense tells what kind of rock or shell to choose from the many other. You do realize with a subject to make a good luck charm. If you want that luck brought you the stone, then go searching in the river or on the coast. Incidental findings are not in need of rites of purification energy charging. This, according to many, the gifts from above.
Coin is a symbol of good luck and wealth. If you find a product that was released in the year of your birth, then consider it a great success. A coin can be used as a good luck charm in professional and financial matters.
If You can not get the search finds, you can make a good luck charm with his hands. This is a very good alternative, because in the creative process, the subject will already be filled with your energy. You will not need to get used to new things, as it happens with the purchased products. Most often homemade talismans to activate. To magic item always had the power, it must be constantly nourished by their energy flows.
You can make jewelry, herbal bags, paintings, metal products, e.g. horseshoes, and other things. Your choice is not limited: you can do everything you definitely will. Some people want to do with their hands not just unusual product, a magical talismans, imbuing them with magical powers.
Try to make any piece of jewelry, a keychain or any other minor thing. Do not attempt to create products which have complex fabrication technology, if you are unsure of the success of this business.

4 ways how to make good luck charm with your own hands
Ribbon embroidered elements
In ancient times people worshiped the heavenly bodies and the elements, believing that they have magical powers. And this is no accident: the elements, the moon, the sun in some degree affect the condition of the human body, so they can form the basis for the manufacture of protective talisman.
For creativity we need: natural ribbon bright red or Golden colors, colored thread (from natural materials), a needle. You cannot use synthetic materials, natural, made of silk or cotton fabrics. The threads can be wool. This lucky charm is very easy to do, and it will cost you quite inexpensive, but the process requires perseverance.
Armed with a needle and thread, embroider the drawings of the sun, moon, earth, air and water elements. It could be individual elements, and combinations thereof. The oddness in the pictures will not add to the appeal. All the details you need to think in advance. To make the embroidery of the month, will come in silver or orange shade, the sun, of course, must be yellow, water – blue, earth – brown, wind – grey.
This homemade good luck charm will reliably protect you and your family from all negative situations, as well as to attract wealth, good luck and peace.
The mascot is based on zodiac sign
To make a magic item on good luck by yourself you can borrow based on your zodiac sign. For example, the talisman of can be stone or animal figures which represent your the cycle of the zodiac. What stones can I use?
- Aries – amethyst, heliotrope.
- Taurus – jadeite, agate.
- The twins – garnet, beryl.
- Cancers – emerald, calcite.
- Lions – ruby, serpentine.
- Virgins – Jasper, kyanite.
- Libra is the diamond.
- Scorpio – opal, cat's eye.
- Sagittarius – turquoise, lapis lazuli.
- Capricorn is onyx, malachite.
- Aquarius – sapphire, obsidian.
- The Pisces chrysolite, moonstone.
These stones are talismans for good luck, not many of them attract wealth. Therefore, in order to make a magic item for money and luck, use the second component value.
The coin can be any, simple or with some value known only to you (for example, wedding gift, souvenir of travel, etc.).
To make the subject of the power, do the following: when the moon is full, drop a coin in a container of water and put on the windowsill so that the light of the moon falling on the vessel. You have to ask for a month to give your coin force of attraction of success and wealth. The water is a kind of lens, increases the effects of the moon, exactly as dandruff, is needed to start a fire.
Storage talisman must make a case – a red velvet pouch, it is possible to decorate with embroidery your name or initials. Apart from the name, to decorate and enhance magic items to make magic runes. In this case you can keep your talisman – a stone and a coin. While in the bag, they will complement each other energy and strength that will bring you wealth and success. The mascot should not be the object of everyone's heritage and your own object: it cannot lend, give, show to outsiders.
If you decide to make a good luck charm of their own, find a suitable piece of wood and sharpened the knife. Tree you can use any, but durable and not the old stuff. Depending on your talents and skills, you can cut with a knife an animal, human figure or a regular geometric solid. The main rule is to not leave sharp corners. If you decide to make a cube, make it's corners round. The main part for the mascot we have now need to put images of the runes of good fortune.
It must be remembered that the runes are very large symbols, so in the process of preparation of the grounds and the carving of the runes is very important to keep in mind what you want to invest in your mascot. For example, if you want to you are always lucky and everything worked out, would not be taken, and to repeat myself: "I am always lucky and can do everything!".
When applying runes do not hurry, feel the material first and only then proceed with the cutting of runes. Causing sign the mascot, saying the name of the rune, its meaning, everything it related. It is very important that when applying runes you have formed a combination of meanings, images and feelings. Only in this case, it may be a strong magic talisman for good luck.
Magic wax
If you believe in the magical properties of this ritual, you will be able to make a very powerful talisman that brings great luck and large wealth. And the more you believe in its power, the better it will work.
First find a suitable candle: it must be small in size, but most importantly, you must like her. No matter what it is color, what shape, it is important that you "went to her soul." To make the plot better on the growing moon
.Place a candle in a glass, light it. You will not need to learn any special words, just try to Express your wishes and convey their energy to a burning candle. While the candle is not extinguished, it's time to tell her all your wishes and dreams, and share your concerns. Slowly melts the wax will absorb your wishes, worries and bring you good luck and freedom from suffering.
Melted after combustion of the candle wax should be left alone until fully cured. Patterns wax is a reflection of your energy.
A frozen figure, the resulting wax can be put in a locked locket, which will become your talisman for good luck and wealth. Alternatively, you can use cloth bag, a toy or a suitable jewelry. Magic item for good luck and wealth should always accompany you and never leave its owner. The only way the talisman will be able to realize all its functions and to bring you good luck and financial well-being.

The talisman ring
If you want something very much, but your wish still not come true, you need to help yourself in its implementation. To do this you need to do a simple ritual. Take some item of jewellery, e.g. a ring. Choose a day when the moon will rise as it is at this time possible to change your life for the better, give it a new events. On this day, you have to fully commit to the ritual, alone, and not to engage in any extraneous matters. Weather is also of great importance: if the sky is covered with clouds and the moon is not visible, it is best to hold the ritual to another day.
Before you begin to commit ritual make cleaning magical ring, regardless of whether it was previously used or is it just bought thing. To clean the good luck charm will need a small Cup with water and salt. Dip it in water and say the following:
Water, water, cleanse the ring from all evil, from all unnecessary things. Water is all unnecessary. The ring is clean in my eyes.
Let the ring soak in water for 5-10 minutes. Then empty the Cup, put on your talisman and exit the house. If you have no desire to go outside, then at least go to the balcony. Take a look at the Orb of night, to meet him, pull the brush, wearing a ring, and say:
Moonlight, help! Ring of good fortune (love, wealth, health, etc.) zaryadi!
After that remove the jewelry and leave it on the windowsill of the balcony. Go to sleep. Morning, waking, immediately put a good luck charm and say:
The ring on me! Luck (love, wealth, health, etc.) to me!"
As you can see, very simple! Remember that when its manufacture is important and the material from which made your ring: silver helps to meet his love, gold will make you rich, the tree will have a positive impact on health status, and jewelry of simple metals will establish a life and fill it with harmony. On the other hand, you can always change the existing rules and to make your silver jewelry has brought you financial prosperity. Don't forget to talk with your good luck charm, to charge it with your energy.
The talisman cushion
Since olden times people worshiped the sun, prayed to him, believed in him as God. Even now, in our life there is a sense of magic associated with celestial objects. The sun symbolizes power and light, gives the blessing and the cleansing of all the earth, causes the dark forces to surrender good. So if you decide to make good luck charm with symbols of the sun, you can be sure in its power and efficiency.
First you need to choose suitable material, whose color should be yellow or orange, at worst white. If you already have the same fabric, then fine – you can economize on its acquisition. When the material is found, it's time to start the magic ritual.
The ritual should be conducted on the growing moon in the daytime, better in the afternoon, when the Sun has powerful energy. Place the prepared material for five minutes on the surface, well-lit by the sun. Take the material and say,
The sun is in the hands of happiness will bring, I'll be happy the whole year!
Using scissors make two circle with a diameter of approximately 20 cm and cut into 16 strips of equal size. Nine notes write what you want. For example: "Luck will always be with me!" "All my endeavours will be crowned with success!", "My wishes will come true!" etc. in addition to requests, you can also apply some magic images on scrapbook, splash favorite toilet water or lubricating oil.
With 16 ribbons make eight rays, sewing two strips together. In every ray put one note, fill with cotton wool. From prepared tissue groups form the middle of the sun. Product fill with cotton and sew to the so-called sun rays.
Lucky is ready to use. If you want to truly work, you need to always keep it to yourself, to touch him, to tell him about their plans to devote to their secrets, to share concerns.