You want a life of greater success and wealth? You work hard every day, but the desired result did not receive? Try to carry the Imperial amulet – the result will not keep itself waiting long.
Imperial amulet is one of the very important places among the variety of magic items. At the time, he was made a monk of the Trinity Sergius Lavra for a young Russian Emperor Peter the First. The whole night carried a servant of the Church in fervent prayers to make a magical talisman specifically for Peter. The basis for the amulet was Imperial coin. Morning, an auspicious subject matter was presented king with the words:
"From this day you will be invincible, luck will not leave you and wealth will never end! May the Lord be with you!"
Since each of the emperors of the Romanov dynasty wore his own Imperial amulet.
The secret
The secret to making miraculous object, the monks managed to preserve and bring to our days, despite the period of atheism in Soviet times.
The amulet is made for a specific person and is tied to his name. The power of prayer and the experience of ancestors laid in secret miraculous talisman.
The basis for the manufacture of such a ritual object is the Imperial coin – the coin of the time of Peter the great. The method of obtaining the coin should be clean.
If Imperial amulet to do it right, it will necessarily attract to its owner the positive cash flows that had passed. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who already have this unique item. It helps:
- Getting a new high-paying jobs;
- Career growth;
- Success in business;
- Success in financial Affairs;
- Repayment of debts.
Rules of conduct
For the proper and efficient operation of the talisman you need to follow certain rules for handling them.
The amulet is a purely personal thing, so it is impossible for anyone to give, and even better to hide away from prying eyes. These items can not give – they will not have effective power.A special case are the only things passed down, although they are subject to a particular treatment at change of ownership.
Treat magic one should be carefully and respectfully. Store in areas where always clean and tidy. Be sure to believe in his miraculous power.
Remember that your helper requires constant recharging. So regularly, at least once in two weeks, take him and chat with him, and recharge it with your energy. Also contact him in critical moments of his life, when making important decisions, and also in moments of happiness and joy.
The best option would be if the amulet you will carry with you constantly.

To make an amulet or talisman can be yourself, it is important to adhere to certain rules.
- Choose the perfect day to create a mascot. If your main purpose is to attract financial success, to make the amulet you need in the environment. But if you want a quick takeoff and a successful climb up the career ladder – the best day – the day of the Sun, i.e., Sunday.
- Create a quiet, peaceful atmosphere in which to be born the amulet. Light a candle, turn on relaxing pleasant music. Clear your mind of all the bad and focus on how good you want to get from this magic item. Don't get distracted by other things and thoughts, visualize a joyful picture of success and prosperity. If the coin you will wear on the neck, then it will have to drill a hole. But you can do without it. Coin you can tie the red string or place in a small bag.
- The night of the full moon, place a coin on a piece of red cloth on the windowsill under the moonlight. And sincerely ask the Universe (Higher Mind, God) that which you most desire.
- After that, wrap the amulet in a cloth and put it at night under my pillow. This need for better unity of your energy with the energy of the amulet.
- Don't tell the mascot to strangers, not to show off his strength. The dark forces human jealousy can destroy his energy.
- During the process of making amulet or talisman, part of your life force will go to him. But you can quickly refill it. For this, you can eat a piece of dark chocolate or drink a strong tea, take a walk in the fresh air, or use another some very pleasant for you exercises.
But it is better to entrust this important process, making amulets. It should not just to make an amulet, but also to give him miraculous power, and this can only be a person with a pure heart and a sincere faith. Before to address to a specialist, it is advisable to read the reviews of people who have used its services to avoid fraud.
Believe in the magic power of Imperial amulet and you'll never know needs and all your business will only go up to success and well-being.