The mascot is called items that bring good luck to its wearer. As talismans can be made by yourself, or even bought, they can look sophisticated or completely used to.
But the biggest impact they have talismans, which are made by ourselves, and it's all because of such amulets bear the energy itself of the owner. These talismans are made not only to get rid of the evil eye or damage, but also to attract wealth and happiness.

For someone need, like talismans.
Many famous people have different mascots, which are one of the causes of success. These talismans that a man wears with him, to absorb into themselves all the information and then recycling these information are useful to the wearer.
But they are not only jewelry or jewelry can become mascots. Some of the popular people believe their mascot and domestic animals, and plush toys.
From what can be done talismans.
Make the mascot a random, you can take any material, but most often for these purposes use the jewelry. The materials that are used for the amulet – it is precious stones, such as turquoise, amethyst or Jasper, shells found on the shore of the sea, rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, pins, hair clips, cuff links. Other items that can be made from cardboard or wood, clay sculpture.
All of these talismans, usually produced by people who know about energy, which you can use to attract luck and happiness. These people are psychics, medicine men, healers, and witches, wizards and mages. And to make such talismans, mages spend a lot of their energy, and spend their force, and yet such ceremonies are held in one day. And also take into account the structure of the material, date of birth, day and time of day, when he carried out the op amulet, zodiac sign of the owner.
And the pleasure is not cheap, so many people are trying these talismans do yourself. But only a few people think that this ritual should be performed correctly, with a clear sequence of events. If like talismans produced himself a magician, then during the ritual, the magician reads the prayers and strong the spells the amulets had a strong impact on its owner.
The mascot, which is made to the happiness is itself a source of strength for the one who wears it. But I'm sure such a talisman to wear constantly and closer to the body. For that this amulet possessed even greater force, on its surface are applied to the special characters that can be encrypted with a spell.
A plan to create a mascot
- Define the purpose of the
- Create an image of the amulet mentally
- Create or purchase
- Clean
- Charging
The best talismans for good luck

Magic pouch
Magic bags are used witch different directions. Their created for different purposes. fill their herbs, stones and other fillings, and activate.
To draw luck you need to sew the gold pouch to Add to it crystal, aventurine, oak leaves, clover and basil.
The mascot, which will bring good luck – stone.
To a talisman made of natural materials, more precisely from the stone, you only need the spring and the stone. When walking near a stream, it is necessary to find a suitable stone and paint on its surface their wishes. For example, if the desire is to obtain huge sums, a big house, travel, strong family, health. After the stones it was painted wishes, should be counter-clockwise bypass stream, clenched in a fist is to submit the stone and focus on their wishes. Once everything is completed, then it is worth the stone to throw back into the creek.
Rune mascot
Many students of esotericism have successfully used the runes for the fulfillment of a wish, to attract favorable events.
It is made of stone, wood, can cause the formula is not on the photo, on a sheet of paper.
And then activate. This can be done using saliva, for example ,blood, breathing. These methods of activation are based on personal power.
If you want to challenge the Gods or element, is it there without the ritual can not do. Usually they use 4 elements, after the ceremony they offer.
Here are a few the formula for happiness:
Dagaz, Soul, Soul, Soul, Wunjo - amplified luck
Teywaz, Soul, Kano,Soul, Teywaz - success, happiness
I would point out that when creating a rune mascot used by the plot. His text can be found on the net, or write it yourself. Of course, that his more powerful, but for beginners the doctors is it possible to marry someone else, to minimize any errors in a separate formation.
The mascot of bad luck on the zipper.
When the moon is in the first stage – begins to grow, it is necessary to sew the pouch from the red piece. The second day in this pouch to give a bit of spice cloves, pepper fragrant, a little fennel, bay leaf, rosemary, and mint. In addition, how in case they give these spices need to read the prayer "our Father". And then, what prayer was read, it is necessary to read zagovornye words:

"House of grass at the command of God random for yourself and your happiness. And let it be. 3 times Amen.
In the course of the three full moons this pouch is to be put on the window sill. This charm begins to work only after everything will be done. And to make the effect stronger, it is better to this bag is worn close to the heart.
The plot on the coin, which brings good luck in the store.
Small coins is carried out the plot to attract good luck in the store. During the six days after shopping borrow surrender and the obtained amount is necessary to buy a notebook, a pen and a keychain, and a talisman on the seventh day. Start collecting the money that you need, in the first day of the new moon. After all the shopping purchased, it remains a trifle-it is necessary to throw over the shoulder at the junction, and when it is said:
"For everything completely paid and paid. Let it be exactly so".
He must then go home and not to look back, and not to speak with anyone on the way. And those items that were purchased – are the mascots of random.
There is a lot of plot that can attract good luck and happiness, like ways you can find on the internet. The main thing is that everything was done according to the rules and with appropriate consistency.
How to clean
Each magical attribute to clean before using. How can this be done? Here are the simple ways how:
- Through the candle.
Buy or create a wax candle, on it write to the needle "cleansing the mascot", light a candle and move her mascot reading the "our Father" ( at a distance of about 5-10 cm). You can do the cross-motions.
- Water.
Give made the character under running water for 10 minutes.
- Salt
3 days ago the mascot of the it is possible to put in a large salt.
How to load a
- Simple method: the breathing, the saliva, the blood of the annex to the intention. This means that you can put the program for your amulet.
- Ritual.
Charging light
- Focus on the goals of the magic symbol.
- Ask the Universe for a blessing on the ceremony.
- Put the talisman in his hand.
- Imagine a stream of light that goes on you from above. How it fills you. Filled energy.
- Aim the stream of this energy on the mascot. With the desired program.
- Thank you to the universe.
Spontaneous method
- Tune in for the ritual.
- Put on the altar (table) the 4 elements of the element. Salt, water, incense and candles. To the center of the character, which you fee.

- Activate the element, it is light a candle and incense, a cocktail of water and salt.
- Read a spell in each element. ( create yourself)
For example:
"The power of fire, fill my talisman your energy. Fee its to attract good luck. True"
- Read connect
"Powers of Fire, Water, Air, Earth connect. Charge my talisman energy. Whether it attracts happiness into my life. Yes it will be.
- To complete the ritual
- Take honors elements of
After the production of the amulet, wear it for yourself. Over 6-12 months to bury with words of gratitude. And create a new one.
All The Best To You. )