Since olden times people believed in magic, calling upon a higher power and magical talismans. No matter what created these things and how they look, the main thing is how effectively they work for the benefit of the owner.

You can buy a mascot, but you can do it yourself with your own hands. Personal, self-made amulets usually work better, more efficiently and accurately, because when they are created settings set the store owner understands well what he wants from magical things.
Why homemade amulets better purchase?
To make an amulet for good luck and money simply. You can choose many different options depending on the available materials, preferences of the owner and its capabilities.
Homemade lucky charms is usually purchased stronger, because made for a specific purpose and with clear intention, besides they are initially close to the owner.
General rules for working with amulets
Any magical thing to work properly, you need to believe in her and treat her with respect. Including not to speak disparagingly about any amulets as such, neither of the spheres of influence: luck, money, or activities that will deliver them.
Talismans, with rare exceptions, are always with you. Never give into the wrong hands, don't tell strangers what it is. It is desirable to protect the charms from the eyes of others. Feedback is not subject to disclosure, and about the exact amount of income better for the family not to tell once again.
Mascots not dare. You can make a talisman to close, but then the thing is done right for the individual. Another option is to pass an inheritance to a child or student, but this option assumes that the amulet is no longer needed, since he retired.
When the talisman's working, thank him for the help. Every time you get profits and when noticeable good luck. If the amulet lives in the purse, it is desirable that the purse was never empty, except that several minutes are necessary to restore order in it.
Do not have to stick to one mascot. You can make several different and put them in a beautiful pouch that strengthen each other. You can combine charms of different actions that attract wealth into the house and into the hands of a particular person.
Rules of acquisition components

To make yourself an effective talisman, you need to first prepare your materials. You can buy them or find. It is advisable to follow the General magic rules:
- You can't tell anyone what bought a thing, not even worth to think about it.
- You need to buy, no haggling and no pay back, preferably in cash.
- If you have to buy a lot at once (the whole ball, a set of candles, a large piece of cloth), the rest can be used for domestic needs.
- And when you search, and when buying it is advisable to go for components for talisman silently, not meeting people's gaze and not paying attention to them, also should return.
- That was bought, not found, it is advisable to clean. Depending on the material, this can be done by running water, fire (to carry over a burning candle), sweet smoke, salt (sprinkle and exterriti).
- Possibly it is advisable to start purchasing components for the talismans for prosperity and success on a day when luck is visible and the money is there.
- You can accept components for mascot as a gift from a rich and happy man.
Unfortunately, the Christian Church as a whole does not approve of magic, considering it a sinful thing.Believer belongs not to create an amulet with their own hands, and to acquire the image of the Holy, submittens related activities, and to address to it with requests for help.
Magical amulets, attracting luck and wealth, are very diverse. Everyone can choose the option.
Before you make a talisman, you need to decide on its tasks. Does it need to attract prosperity in the home or to provide a good income only to its owner. The owner needs to determine what he considers wealth. All it will take to print in the amulet when it is created.
Magic wax
To create such a mascot will need a candle, a piece of cloth and not too much time.
Candle need to buy cera, no paraffin and no gel. If there is a possibility — not a Church not consecrated. The size should be such that it was no problem to wait until it is completely burned.

Fabric it is advisable to take a dense and such that they liked the owner. Matter can be solid, red, yellow-gold or green color, or pattern, which are associated with success and wealth. Or a piece of new cloth, or a piece of beloved amet clothes.
Best ritual charging magic wax done at night when the moon is waxing. It is desirable to ensure that in the process no one could disturb the mage, turn off the phone and messages on the computer.
At midnight light the candle and fixed on the surface, which will then be easy to remove casting cera. Conventional ceramic saucer good, but shaped candle holder will create difficulties.
In the flame of a candle whisper wishes that talisman is to attract and repel, luck's owner and what he fears, what kind of wealth he needs. The ritual lasts as long as the candle is not ex ardet. If you have nothing to say, you can just look into the flames and dream.
When the remainder of the candle wax cools, it is carefully removed and wrapped in cloth, you can tie or fasten with a few stitches. Obtained talisman carry in a purse or consui to the appropriate stuffed toy.
Magic coin
For this purpose we can take any value, but it is more efficient to work some special - found or received at a very opportune moment, unusual, release year, coinciding with the year of birth of the owner, or just old.
Such a coin should always carry in your purse or as a single talisman. If the location of the selected coin purse, it would be good to take care not to spend it wrongly.
Load the coin on a full month. You need to put it in a saucer or bowl of water and put it on the window so that the moon's rays fell on the water, transferring energy of the moon mascot. As the moon attracts the water at high tide, and the coin will draw money.
An interesting variation — a homemade coin. It can carve wood, sculpt from clay fabrilis, cast from an appropriate alloy, or even draw on a piece of cardboard. Charge talismans in accordance with the properties of the material. So, clay, you can add a little honey and cinnamon, wood impregnated with wax and cardboard to glue sequins. The goal is to clearly define what we are talking about wealth.
Braid of yarn
For this amulet you need three threads: red as a symbol of desire, blue as a guarantee of its performance and green as an indication of wealth and prosperity.

On the growing moon of thread needed to weave the braid, concentrating on a specific desire. It may be luck in a particular case, or obtain sufficient funds to purchase specific things. It is important that the desire was specific, so that one can clearly say that it is already fulfilled. Good understanding of emotionally saturated images of its implementation, to pronounce aloud.
When braid is finished, tie it around the ankle of the left leg, and wear without removing, until the desire is not fulfilled. Then the talisman is removed and burned with gratitude.
Cash pouch
Sew a bag made of cloth in matching color. It can be generic white, gold, red or green one that the owner will like.
Gather a handful of coins - the more the better. It is advisable to have at least a few pieces of different denominations. The coins are washed, they can be cleaned in any convenient way.
Money laid out on a flat surface, graded, and rejoice in them. Then one by one put in the bag, reading the plot: "penny to penny, to denarium in denarium, quinquaginta fifty dollars for a kopeck piece, the ruble-to-ruble gold piece to a piece of aurum, all to the court." When it's folded — pouch-knotted and stored in a house in a place where others will not see it.
Sometimes in a pouch and add other components. Magnet to money attracted. A cinnamon stick for the same purpose. Some special items that symbolize wealth and prosperity.
It is important to note that because of this talisman tied to the house, and not to a specific host, then it will work exactly in abundance, wealth and success live in the house as a whole family. If the family itself is not, and there are strangers living under the same roof to work for such assistant will not.
Irredeemable banknote
Need one or another magical way to get a bill as large as possible value. This may be part of the first earnings at the new location or a new profession, a gift from lucky person, mentor or older relative, winning the lottery. Another way to grow this money: every day during the lunar month to defer increasing amounts (today at least for the ruble, but more than yesterday), the new month to exchange accumulated one big bill, and the rest immediately to spend on something nice, gratum. Such a bill is stored in a special section of the wallet and not allowed to flow.
Cash ball
The corresponding coin or banknote wrapped with green woolen thread until you get a ball. In the process of winding dream of wealth, prosperity and luck, the ball needs to attract the house owner. Put this talisman above the door on the inside, but outsiders didn't see it. If you want you can make this amulet not only for home but also for office — then the entire firm will thrive. Periodically, the ball needs to be charged. For this purpose it drip the essential oil, the smell of which the owner is associated with money, wealth and prosperity, and imagine that the wealth flowing.
Money tree
In urna with ground buried coins and planted plant. This can be a money tree, cactus, geranium - anything that grows well in the home. You should think about planting money that they now will grow. On the plant should be taken care of, watered, fertilized. Each time remembering that these actions — contribution to future harvest, prosperity and wealth. Outsiders can see the money tree that is forbidden in the case of other mascots. But to tell you that this is not just a house plant, not worth it.
Horseshoe over the door
Above the door from the inside attached a horseshoe horns up. They say that it is a full Cup, and now will also be a full bowl. To perform the ritual necessary on the growing moon and in a prosperous house. Ideally on a day when the money, they bought good food, the barns are full and live in the house happy. The house really needs to be a full bowl.
Sometimes found the little thing works better than a well made amulet. The main thing — it should be something that immediately caught sight, dicitur yourself. Such res are kept in your wallet or wear as a decoration, but if the size does not allow to do so — place in the workplace or in a cozy corner of the house. Good such as stones and shells, picked up by the water. Sometimes you can find quattuor leaf clover, then it should be dry and insert into the ornament. A piece of birch bark is able to protect from thieves and debtors, to prevent the delay in payment. Some people like Chinese Feng Shui coins. Such a small change can become a toy helper. Often as such use figurines leprechaun or favorite small soft toys.