Wizards and witches have long emphasized spiritual essence of material objects. Properly charmed mascots could attract not only wealth and success, but also success and self-confidence that is so necessary to preserve the financial well-being. Among the popular monetary charms are Rooney, precious stones and animal figures. Mascots relevant to this day, the main attributes needed to charge the magical energy. You can get them for a gift or to buy in the store, but the most effective are considered to be cash attributes, made by hand.
How do the amulets for good luck and money?
Coming from the city, like it or not, and dealing with people who complain about the lack or shortage of funds. Many are struggling to make ends meet, overwork, spending most of his time at work, and gradually pushing the family Yu to the sidelines. It is not surprising that excessive fatigue can impact on the psychological health of the person. The man begins a strange feeling of hatred towards the more successful and rich people.
Luck is one of the most underrated factors of the process of the pursuit of wealth. If a person works diligently, but the result is not satisfactory, you should enlist the help of a higher power and their own hidden power. Outstanding mental abilities often enough in the hour as with luck anything. Fortuna attracts more favorable offers, directing him to the correct place at the optimal time. How to attract good luck?
First of all, trying to earn, we should not ignore money talismans. Amulets to attract money and luck can be a great alternative to magical rites and help to draw finances in a lifetime. Often it is sufficient to charge a special attribute of its own energy and is constantly to carry. The greatest effectiveness is observed from amulets made with his own hands.
The advantages of amulets to attract money and good luck:
- Help from unexpected loss of income;
- Removes a possible theft of money;
- Avoids costs and losses.
Magical amulets to attract money and luck are not elements of black magic. They work on the converted person's thoughts and strengthened his mental energy.
Money talismans for luck to work in three ways:
- Set up the thoughts of a man on welfare;
- Are a kind of magnets that attract money and good luck;
- Saturate the residence with positive energy, which promotes financial stability in a person's life.

How to make amulets with his own hands?
It is believed that the most powerful talisman for luck and money needs to be made. The number of amulets on wealth traded in specialty stores and conventional stores, amazing all imagination. With proper and cautious care, even purchase talismans can respond to the request to increase the number of Finance, however their effectiveness pales in comparison with the effectiveness of self-made attributes.
Main can making amulets for money and luck:
- Sculpt out of clay or similar raw materials;
- Sew ties to bind or to embroider a sample of the toys;
- To draw using a special parchment and brush;
- Manufactured using a combination of all of the above methods.
It should be borne in mind that when making talismans is possible the beauties of artificial materials. In natural fabrics, leather and other raw materials contains a living energy that will strengthen the work of the amulet.
Runes are the written language of the ancient Germans. Then they cut on special plates. This is the main reason for the characteristic appearance of an ancient alphabet and the lack of any kind of Huxtable — like figure is extremely difficult to cut with a knife on a hard surface.
From rune emanates a powerful energy. The correct combination of natural materials and ancient symbols can significantly improve the financial situation of the person.
Major Rooney, which is used in making cash talismans:
- Fehu is the rune which attracts wealth and success, a symbol of life energy;
- Hyeres — symbol Board for all the actions that were committed by man in the past. This also applies to the efforts that were made to them to improve their financial situation, however, has not brought the desired result;
- Dagaz — mark, which is responsible for the prospect of a new beginning and contributes to the development of business and defeating competitors;
- Otal — rune, which helps to invest successfully in real estate, as well as to attract influential patrons who provide financial support;
- The soul is the symbol that allows you to attract the luck and to achieve your goals. Doing the impossible is real, gives a positive mood and improves skin tone;
- Wunjo symbol, which allows to achieve the best result with minimal effort.
For making Rooney the person can use wood or clay. Both elements have approximately the same properties, i.e. a slight conductivity, so with their help it is easier to influence the course of their destiny. Also wood and clay is easy to handle even novice master. The best types of trees for making runes is ash and oak. At the time they were sacred in the beliefs of the ancient Scandinavians — asatru.
Instructions for making runes for money and good luck:
- Prepare consumable material — clay or wood;
- Shape or cut out a small plate. Form does not play a role, the figures should not be perfectly smooth, as long as they were sturdy and did not break during the subsequent drawing of the runes;
- Select the desired rune. With how they should look, you can see just above. For marking clay you can use markers or paint. Rooney on wooden workpieces is better to cut, and then on top of paint;
- Recovery each Rooney is considered the final stage of creating the mascot. It is necessary to exhale on every character, presenting during this process, the desired image material stability.

Cash ball
The basis of this talisman is an ancient magic ball. Green wool since ancient times was considered a source of active material energy, and a tangle in turn, symbols the concentration of this energy. Coin is the epitome of natural wealth.
The sequence of manufacturing a penny ball:
- Take a large coin, preferably with number five, and tightly wrap it green woolen thread;
- Wrap the coin as long as you do not get a small lump;
- During OBW contact yazuvannya coins thread say "Come to me money big and small" and imagine a picture of your well-being;
- Firmly attach the left piece of thread so that he could not reach decisions;
- Cash ball hang over the front door from the apartment;
- To enhance the action of a money talisman to regularly lubricate it with any essential oil. Best suited oils of rosewood or walnut.

Animal figurines
Followers of Eastern teachings have long known about the ability of animals to attract money and good fortune. Crafting or purchasing at the store figure a properly sized animal, it is possible to significantly improve their financial situation.
A method of making animal figures to attract money and good fortune are not particularly important. Amulets can sew or sculpt from clay, but if you do this do not know how, do not worry. In most cases, people buy beautiful charms in stores or specialty shops.
Animalsthat attract the material well-being:
- Black cat in Ancient Rome was a symbol of happiness and freedom, and in Ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as gods;
- The dragon is considered the most significant symbol of power, success, and power. People who are committed to enhancing on CT'career ladders, enough to buy a statue, ornament, picture or any other attribute with the image of a mighty dragon;
- The elephant is so good creatures, if you put his figure on the window sill, he will surely draw in your home good luck and wealth. The elephant is particularly favorable to the owners of the various companies and businessmen;
- A horse that is moving forward to bring positive change and good fortune. In order to reinforce the action figures, you can attach the pouch with the coins, or any other attribute that is reminiscent of wealth;
- Many are familiar with popular Feng Shui, figurines of frogs, holding in his mouth a coin. It is important to choose the correct one for the frog place. Best suited living room in which accumulated wealth is necessary for energy;
- The bull is a symbol of diligence, hard work, and commitment to success and wealth. Particularly suitable such figure for people whose work involves land or equipment;
- As powerful beings, fulfills any wish, the famous writer is not just chose a goldfish. The main thing to choose a place for its existence, which is the South-Eastern part of the house. The aquarium should not be too large or too small — the Golden mean as the best option;
- Peacock or feathers of the mighty bird play the role of a money magnets. The rooster is also considered a symbol of happiness and material prosperity.
Pictures of animals, attract money and luck, also contribute to financial stability.

It is known that precious stones are popular items of jewelry, but not everyone sees them as charms that bring money luck. One of the best mascots in material prosperity, and turquoise.
The production plan of the talisman of turquoise:
- Wait for the beginning phase of the new moon and sew with his own hands a bag of blue cloth;
- Put in a makeshift pouch turquoise;
- With the onset of a new month every day put in a bag of coins and banknotes. The value of each subsequent monetary units should not be less than the value of the last nested;
- Once the pouch is filled to the brim you must say directly to him these words: "keep count of thousands!";
- Remove from the bag all the money, leave only the stone turquoise. Count the money three times;
- Tie the bag with a turquoise blue ribbon and place it in the place where you usually keep your money.
Periodically repeat this ritual, especially if lack of Finance.

The herbal pouch
The herbal pouch can be done very simply, but this does not diminish his significance. Most often, money pouches are made, using the methods of medieval European witches.
A plan to manufacture the amulet of luck and money on your hands:
- Prepare a cinnamon stick, a handful of Holocaust pine, dried ginger slices and a few dried leaves of eucalyptus;
- Grind all the above items in a mortar;
- The resulting powder put in a small linen bag, then tie it with thread of green color;
- The herbal pouch should be stored at the workplace, in the office or any other place POV asanobu with the process of receiving the money.
It is believed that the talisman lasts about a year. After this period, the ritual must be repeated.
Horde amulet
Horde amulets used since the times of the Golden Horde. It was considered that the owner of the talisman will never know and always needs money. In our days the Horde amulet is considered a very effective talisman, attracting good fortune and financial independence. On the attribute spread is impossible. Usually it is worn in a pocket or purse.
Plan the manufacture of the Horde trinket
- Prepare any coin, thin cord or strong thread, and three wax candles. It is better to take the coin with which you have connected some history;
- Wait for the growing phase of the moon. The ritual is held on Wednesday;
- Arrange the candles on the table in a triangle and light them with matches. The lighter can not be used;
- Read on the coin seven times the next plot:
Money strong, hex, words my polychala, my word obedient in my purse bell will pozvanit, others will call in my other purse will be removed. I positit, I get rich. I live in wealth and joy of abundance, Golden rain to wash it off, so a coin purse and a full on life a long, bright, blessed. So it will be. So there.
- During the reading of the plot represent the desired goal, not only the money itself, but itself with them, how you own them and dispose of, while receiving positive emotions.
After the conspiracy coin tie it crosswise with string or strong thread, reading this hour special spells.
The text of the conspiracy on Horde amulet:
Tied, a coin tied, money in your purse, in your life, your misery attracted to.
In no case do not cut the ends of the threads, they ignite the flame of wax candles. Zagovornye leave a coin inside the triangle of candles at night. Fire quenching is not necessary. In the morning, take the talisman and place it in the purse. Don't tell anybody and do not let the amulet in hand, as strangers touching weaken monetary magic.

Imperial coin
Imperial amulet helps to sniti wealth, achieve success in career and career and facilitate the early return of the debt. The coin can be carried in a pocket, purse or around your neck. About the mascot is not necessary to tell anyone and to give up. Someone else's touch significantly suppress magic magic attribute.
The production plan of the Imperial talisman for luck and wealth:
- Wait for the full moon and prepare wax candle, coins of any denomination as well as a piece of natural tissue red;
- Light a wax candle with a match, sit down at the table, pick up a coin. Imagine all of these things — wealth, success at work, success in all endeavors and other things;
- Then put a coin on a piece of red material and leave it on the windowsill in the moonlight;
- Before bedtime wrap a coin in a cloth and put under the pillow;
- In the morning remove the amulet, and always carry in your purse or pocket.
What items can attract luck and money?
Probably each person in the apartment there are a couple of items that attract money and luck, and they do not know. For best effect, use phrases such objects must be placed in the most optimal magical effects areas.
Thingsthat attract Finance to the house:
- The door Mat does not miss the negative energy that prevents the attraction of wealth. To your money was always safe and faster to multiply, coming home with a certain amount of money (for example, after receiving a paycheck) does not wipe your shoes on the Mat. This way you will be able to keep the energy of money brought into the house. If you come back empty-handed, in contrast, be sure to wipe your shoes on the Mat. Then the energy of emptiness and lack of money to you will not stick;
- The broom is also considered a powerful money talisman. Buy the ordinary straw broom and hang it up by the broom in the hallway or in the kitchen. It is believed that this attribute is sweeping from the house all the negative energy and frees up space for material flow;
- The mirror can attract money into the house, and may scare them. It is important to follow the main rule — the mirror should always reflect cleanliness and order. If the mirror is baciti the dirt and mess, its energy will have a negative impact on the financial position in the home and family;
- If your table is round or oval, you are very lucky. The round table is a symbol of prosperity and monetary wealth. This piece of furniture helps cash the circulation of energy in the house. How many a man has spent money, they will always come back in multiplied form.