Most people have luck and financial success in the first place. There are a huge number of talismans, but the best of them are the ones you created yourself.
Stones-talismans should not be crossed out from the list of obligatory helpers and magnets for money, because their natural strength is very great. They include stones like chrysolite, topaz, garnet, aventurine and carnelian.
Do it yourself feng shui amulets
One of the most powerful talismans is the red thread. According to feng shui, red attracts the greatest amount of Qi, making a person more successful, not only in the financial sphere, but also in love.
The thread can be silk, cotton, wool or any other natural material. To make such an amulet as simple as possible, you just need to tie the thread properly. Wrap your hand, tie the thread first from above and then from below. The excess can be cut off. Leave it to act for a few months.
Feng Shui experts recommend changing the thread approximately every six months. It should not be washed or left somewhere in drawers at home. When the old one serves you well, you should throw it away.
Another homemade feng shui amulet for money and good luck is dried orange peel. Carry a small piece of this bark in your wallet or work bag. It’s even better if you’re lying on the desktop with your right hand - somewhere in an inconspicuous place. This amulet increases financial potential and helps in making the right decisions at work and at work.
The third feng shui amulet is intended only to attract money. It is a simple coin. Try to find an unusual coin so that you can distinguish it from the rest of your wallet if you wish.
Folk homemade amulets for happiness and money
Bag of salt. A small bag, in which you need to pour a little salt, will save you financial turmoil and will provide excellent protection from enemies, the evil eye and problems. The bag must be made with your own hands - it must not be bought or ordered anywhere on the Internet. In addition to salt, it can be filled with straw, dried flowers or wool. Tie it with woolen threads. You need to carry it with you at all times. Keep it in a bag, in the car or in your pocket if it is small enough.
You can make a strong amulet out of dough. Knead the dough and then make a ball out of it into which you can put the coin. This amulet will protect your finances from unwanted people. Shopping will be easier and safer - the chances of fraud will be greatly reduced. According to the belief of the ancients, dough helps to change destiny.
Black button. To make a talisman out of an ordinary button, you need to be black and have four holes in it. You will need black and gray wool threads. The black thread will need to be pulled into the lower left hole, thence - into the upper right, then the gray thread - into the lower right, and then into the upper left. This must be done so that the threads come out to one side. After that you need to tie the gray thread first and then the black thread. This is the strongest self-made talisman for happiness, which helps in love and deeds, protects from bad people.
All the talismans described above are compatible with each other, however, bioenergy experts recommend not mixing them. Try them all in order and choose the best for yourself. The check should take at least two to three weeks. If you want to attract happiness faster, for example, in the financial field, you can use meditation for money.